Thursday, May 18, 2017

#Super Woman specially Mommas Scream Out For Flexibility

Why Women At Work Choose To Be #SuperMoms? 4.8 percent want Long Maternity Leave against 87 percent who want flexibility

 In 2016, a study conducted by McKinsey threw up interesting facts about how women view their professional growth, amidst personal responsibilities. The study was named ‘Women in the Workplace’.

As per the survey, only 40 percent women expressed their  interest in  top executive roles, compared to 56 percent  men. There is no denying that both men and women worry about balancing work and home,  . but women have an important role to play as mothers as well. And the role of a mother is equally demanding.    Basis the  experience they have at work, working mothers opt out of leadership roles and at times from their career as well.

 The findings from the study do not reveal anything new. It is a known fact that  the PR industry has over 70 percent women talent. Having said that, like McKinsey study points out, very few women manage to reach the leadership positions.   

As a woman leader and Managing Director at 2020MSL I spearhead the #SuperMoms initiative at our parent company the MSL Group. The initiative aims at driving a conversation on the challenges women in our industry face and how companies and its leadership can come together to offer an enabling environment for our women workforce, in order to help shape their careers.

As part of #SuperMoms initiative we ran a survey for our women workforce across all our offices. The survey was aimed at understanding the challenges that prevent women from making a career. 59% of our workforce comprises of women.

Top reasons why women get back to work post child-birth 

More than 70 percent women found it difficult to get back to work after maternity break

While financial independence and love for work are the top drivers that prompt new mothers to get back to work; most of them acknowledge that it can get challenging. Although family remains the core source of strength for women to get back to work, a lot of them also acknowledge that support from their boss was essential for them to get back to work guilt-free.

And what emerged as very insightful was that most women opted for flexible work timings against a 34.8 percent women who sought  long maternity leave.

The new mandatory 6 months maternity leave provided by the government to women working in the organized sector is a welcome step, but the truth is that the journey of a mother doesn’t end at 6 months. It is a continuous process and the child needs the mother in all stages of life in one capacity or the other. At MSL, we understand that and offer an enabling environment for our women workforce. Women are allowed flexibility with accountability.

Clearly Super Moms look out for supportive bosses, active inspiring leaders and respectful colleagues in a women-friendly organisation. And all of them together can help them navigate their careers and move to a leadership position overtime.

Some of these findings clearly state   MSL will continue to prioritize
Non-Gender Discrimination – Equal pay and growth opportunities
o   Prioritization for women safety
o   Fairness and Transparency
o   Respectful Male Colleagues
   Also,celebrate our women colleagues, who nurture business and work. Our recent celebration of Mothers Day involving a surprise visit by their children at our offices across India was a small token of celebration of the MSLSuperMoms 

Clearly the PR industry needs to make changes to become more gender inclusive, build advocacy and mentorship for accountability at the leadership to increase the skew of men vs. women in the PR industry. Mentorship involves helping young mothers to navigate situations of pregnancy, child birth, teen tantrums and pre college blues. We need to build enough success stories in the workplace for aspiring women employees to look up as role models.

Also for an industry that is poised to grow to 20 Billion by 2020,* the biggest imperative for growth continues to be our ability  to attract and retain the right talent.  And an industry where women hold 85% of all PR jobs, it is baffling to note that  globally  merely 39% women occupy leadership roles.

*The annual Global Communications Report is conducted by USC Annenberg’s Center for Public Relations, — in conjunction with The Holmes Report, the Institute for Public Relations, the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management, the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication, the PR Council, the Worldcom PR Group and PRSA

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

 Sorry Excuse The Brevity - sent from xxx phone 

 The line that we all adopted with the adoption of our stylish smart phones. It became a statement to use brevity in the way we communicated and got a excuse to use abbreviations, wrong spelling because consuming content ON THE GO was the new way of living.

 Did the newspaper industry somewhere believe that no they were the custodians of long format journalism and will just fight battles of readership to attract advertisers, and never come in the open with the struggles they were facing.

Finally the secrets are out of the closet and Hindustan Times the newspaper founded in 1924 , and a Rs. 2,500 crore group shut down seven editions in addition to letting dozens of people going in the first week of 2017.

Vanita Kohli a veteran media commentator in her column in Business Standard calls out that the print revolution has to find a metric to integrate print and digital readership this industry cannot grow.

This is followed by the Times of India in a edit crying out  "Indian newspaper industry : Red Ink splashed across the bottom line."

So did we forget " Excuse my Brevity" and embrace the changes that were happening around us. As Communication consultants plan campaigns specially in India there are two questions they need to ask.

Who do I want to reach out to, is my audience a analogue audience or a digital audience, or is he both. How can I reach out my message to him, does he read his story on a mobile, or a newspaper or watch television.  We at 20:20 MSL have tried to capture this in a planning framework keeping the one message in mind : Excuse the Brevity.